Sunday, July 17, 2005


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Thursday, July 14, 2005


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Drawn (paint)

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Edited (photosuite)

Monday, July 11, 2005

Paint Drawn

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Originally Drawn

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Edited ( Photosuite)

Thursday, July 07, 2005


Entreprenuer is wad is wanted to be. Having to control my own shop. To see results of my own work. My own way of marketing and service. But i saw a banner " Entrepreneur contest" in school. It doesnt attract me. Not the way it is design. I thought maybe the word ENTREPRENUER does not interest me anymore. Then i thought of why i wanted to join the Project Pilot. Because i wanted to do and let people see things my way. Able to control, able to express, able to see my own results. YES! These are the things i seek. I like to work my brains out, especially on human minds and ideas. Creative has been always the big word. Away from formulae, from dead work. Not that i am damn creative. But i like reading human behavior and reaction. Or making them feel something. What i thought of alwaes coincide with minds. That is maybe why i like entreprenuership in the first place. Well, people might think creative is another word for rebel. Make some sense, but not all. Yes, think of things others are not thinking of. No, you cannot rebel how a person thinks, or behave. After all, why do a person rebel? Not liking the way it is? Or just simply want to be special? Anyway, you cannot totally rebel an element. There is always a good and a bad side of it. If you rebel totally, you are just someone who juz want to be different. So what is your rebel outcome? Still, there is a good and a bad side of it. So still wanna rebel or not? There is so many ways to see things, why not take things to the other side and smile. Somemore there are rebels against rebels. cycle never ends

Undead (Athas)

In any battle , there are warriors
Among warriors , there are heroes
Within heroes, there is honor
With honor , there is wisdom
From wisdom , one see truth
In truth there is strength
For strength , seeks power
Power alone chooses death.

Why War (Elven)

As the trees bloom
No elves shall gloom

Every horn blown
courage were grown

wismps against creeps
Pits too deep

Soon peace will it become
All shall be undone

It is the time to remake
Only sorrows were made

Feel the wrath of nature
Lets souls be nuture

Heads against the wall
We ask, why war


My name is Zhenwei, Peter. Soccer and basketball has always been my games. I like to explore, like to know why... how things work... ways people behave. I would rather look things deeper, but of course things i interested in. What interest me? Many. Of course i'm like any other, tend to get my attention on what looks more beautiful. I like talents. Talented people always suprise me. I like humor. Cartoons. Cartoons are not juz for kids, people juz got ignorant of how amazingly they came out with the humor. I like to think. Think about things people consider it stupid. It has become an interest in me to think weirdly. I believe there is a certain dark side in everyone. At least i felt it there. Everyone is selfish. People treat others well because they are selfish. In my life i will always hold onto this motto, " A fool shall never learn anything from a wise man. A wise man will learn something from a fool". I know things you do not know. you know things i do not know. I learn from you. vice versa. I do not believe in fate. I believe in destiny. I do not believe in you. So believe in me.